If Walmart buys Bitcoin, it could trigger hyperbitcoinization


According to a recent hypothesis, if Walmart decides to buy large amounts of bitcoin, it could trigger a hyperbitcoinization process.

The hypothesis was described by Clancy Rodgers and assume that sooner or later it might be inevitable that Walmart acquires a significant amount of BTC, for example, investing an amount similar to Tesla.

However, the fact that Rodgers practically assumes that Walmart will sooner or later invest a significant amount of dollars in Bitcoin is a bit puzzling.

In other words, all this reflection is based on such an assumption that in reality today it cannot be taken for granted, even if it seems absolutely plausible.

That said, Rodgers points out that large companies that have already announced large investments in bitcoin are not really well known, nor are they representative of the average citizen.

Walmart, on the other hand, would be well known, and indeed Rodgers calls it "the epitome of the American working class."

In fact, if it were to announce a big investment in BTC, it might finally attract the attention of the average American as well, but Rodgers speculates that more could happen. Indeed, Rodgers imagines that a long-awaited shift in the global monetary paradigm could then be triggered.

What if Walmart opened up to Bitcoin?

First, Clancy imagines that Walmart could start using BTC as an international means of payment for products you buy in more than 100 countries, instead of having to deal with complex currency conversions and ditching bank intermediaries.

Even this assumption seems a bit far-fetched, as there are tokens and cryptocurrencies that could perhaps perform this function better than bitcoin. Also, those who have BTC and other currencies are more likely to spend the other currencies and have bitcoins rather than the other way around.

Rodgers also imagines that Walmart could introduce acceptance of BTC in its more than 11,000 stores, but while this is by no means implausible, bitcoin is still an asset not worth spending but keeping.

Another hypothesis is that Walmart employees will ask to be paid in bitcoinsBut it is by no means a foregone conclusion that the company agrees with this. On the contrary, if you have large amounts of inflationary currency on hand, you will most likely prefer to continue paying for them with it. However, it is conceivable that Walmart employees could individually decide to convert part of their salary into bitcoins.

Rodgers goes even further, imagining that Walmart owners also start buying bitcoin and that your large donations to universities, for example, will also be made in BTC.

At this point, you think bitcoin competes with other forms of money and ends up dominating them all.

This scenario, however, sounds more like an artistic story than an in-depth economic / financial analysis and, in fact, Clancy Rodgers is nothing more than the artist anonymous from BTB. In other words, this should be viewed as a vision of the future and not as a prediction built on accurate predictive models.

In fact, the story of anonymousBTB seems too simple to fit into the complex global economic and financial scenario, where many other variables of enormous importance come into play, much more relevant than a simple investment in BTC by the largest company in the world. .

However, you may be right when you speculate that the announcement of a possible Walmart investment in bitcoin could have a significant impact in the popular narrative surrounding this new financial asset.

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